We were surprised the lack of understanding, and misunderstanding by candidates and practices how the contingency recruitment process works, so we want to take some time explaining how the process works for candidates and practices.
How the Contingency Recruitment Process Works for Bariatric Surgery Candidates
Contingency recruitment services are always free to candidates seeking practice opportunities. Contingency recruiters work tirelessly to find candidates the perfect practice opportunity. As a contingency recruiter we do not share candidate CVs with a practice; unless, we have the candidate’s written consent to do so.
Once a candidate provides their consent, their name is cleared with the practice to insure they don’t have the candidate’s information from another sources. Once cleared the candidate’s CV is provided to the practice. After reviewing the candidate’s CV the practice will typically schedule a phone appointment with the candidate if they wish to move forward. If the phone call goes well a video conference call is next, followed by a site visit if both parties continue to show interest. Hopefully a signed employment or partnership agreement follows.
If you are a candidate and have additional questions about how the contingency recruitment process works for you, call 270-266-1024 or email david@gotbariatricjobs.com
How Contingency Recruitment Process Works for Bariatric Surgery Practices
You want to fill open position with your practice, but you cannot find the right candidate? Are considering using a contingency recruitment firm? What is contingency recruitment? Let’s find the answer below.
What is contingency recruitment?
Contingency recruiters will get paid by the client only when one of the candidates they present is selected for the open job.
In contingency recruitment, the recruitment process is performed in a contingent basis — or also known as project-by-project basis. The recruitment firm works to find out as many qualified candidates available as possible very quickly. They are motivated to market the largest number of potential individuals to practices at once.
A contingency recruitment agency does not have an exclusive assignment (that is why it is sometimes called non-exclusive recruitment). You can work with multiple contingency recruiters at the same time. And a contingency recruiter can work with multiple clients concurrently.
Contingency recruiters work the front-end part of the process as rapidly as possible. They use their networks, advertise the job on multiple job boards and use contact lists and databases to seek candidates who are more likely to be suitable for the opportunity. Contingency recruiters spend time and effort to understand the practice’s candidate requirements to increase the chances of hiring individuals who fit their needs.
Why Should I Use Contingency Recruitment vs. Posting on a Job Board?
Contingency recruiters typically have extensive contact lists and databases of candidates that are actively and passively seeking opportunities. Many of these potential candidates are not watching job boards for opportunities, but do react when presented opportunities that meet their opportunity criteria. Job Boards are more economical, but candidate volume is typically much less.
ESA Medical Resources (gotplasticsurgeryjobs.com) has more than 20 years of contingency recruitment experience. We have a proven track record recruiting top tier candidates for many of the most successful plastic surgery practices nation-wide. Please call 270-266-1024 or email david@gotbariatricjobs.com for additional information.