by david | Aug 27, 2021 | General
Our firm, ESA Medical Resources, is frequently contacted by clients that are seeking to hire an employee or bring on a partner to their bariatric practice. It is important for practices to have an short, intermediate and long term vision of the direction of their...
by Elizabeth Smith | May 17, 2020 | General
Opening an Independent Practice BY: Chris Mazzolini Physicians crave autonomy. They are independent thinkers who wants to use their expertise to treat their patients the best way they know how, but this disposition often comes into conflict with today’s healthcare...
by david | Nov 25, 2019 | General
You want to fill open position with your practice, but you still cannot find the right person? You are considering using a contingency recruitment firm? What is contingency recruitment? Let’s find your answers in this article. What is contingency recruitment?...
by david | Sep 2, 2019 | General
Patient care is the reason most physicians get into healthcare, but practices cannot stay open if they ignore the need to remain profitable. Patients now have more choices in how they receive care, and the consumerization of healthcare is changing the traditional...
by Elizabeth Smith | Jul 14, 2019 | General
At ESA Medical Resources we work with many bariatric and plastic surgery clients that are in private practice or seeking to start private practices. This article in Physician Practice written by Susanne Madden, MBA answers many questions about operating or starting a...